Framwork7 compilation.getCache is not a function

We find error  Framwork-cil Bug version  in 3.4.5

That show like this

warning ../package.json: No license field
$ cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server --config ./build/webpack.config.js
TypeError: compilation.getCache is not a function
    at /Users/mounoydev/k/node_modules/copy-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js:459:33
    at SyncHook.eval [as call] (eval at create (/Users/mounoydev/k/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js:19:10), <anonymous>:7:1)

Try to fix by down version copy-webpack-plugin

npm uninstall copy-webpack-pluginnpm install copy-webpack-plugin@6.2.1

npm uninstall copy-webpack-plugin --save
npm install copy-webpack-plugin@6.2.1 --save


npm run dev 

Done, Enjoy your Code